Bjorn points out the Danger of Misdirection of Resources

This is what his Copenhagen Consensus project is all about .
Too bad people don’t pay attention like Lomborg does, to the Bastiat warming about unintended consequences.
Of course if people die or suffer because of crazy green projects it won’t be counted, since official counts are controlled by the arrogant elites who know how to cheat.
Projected increases in displacement or deaths due to warming, no warming, no deaths? Well retool and ignore the failed predictions.
One can do that if in control of public policy and the media academic bully boy complex.

Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness

I read and enjoyed this wonderful Swiftian essay this AM at American Thinker, then Milloy sent it to me with a positive comments.
Viv Forbes gets my vote as best essayist I have enjoyed in a long time.
Continue reading Viv Forbes gets my vote–Best Essay on Solar Silliness

Kerry, a Science Illiterate, Pushes Climate Issues

John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam, by the way, is pushing for climate change policy responses and some State generated treaty work.
Maybe they can stop storms and weather events, which now are getting names from the weather channel to make sure people get scared and stuff.
Info forwarded by Fred Singer.

Give Me Your Children Says the Statist

Charles Battig, a physician and essayist on environmental and other policy issues, provides an excellent critique of what is going on in our schools that can’t teach kids to read and figure, but they sure can teach them the propaganda of the lefty enviros.
Continue reading Give Me Your Children Says the Statist