Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything

While insurance is a free-market solution to weather risk, the multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-subsidized, connive-to-remove-land-from-productive use, corrupt green scam known as The Nature Conservancy is not something a free-market think tank like PERC should be advocating. Continue reading Memo to PERC: The Nature Conservancy is not a free-market solution to anything

GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

“GE Capital is still doing business with merchants with more diverse lines of business, including Wal-Mart Stores, the nation’s largest seller of guns and ammunition, and Dick’s Sporting Goods, he added.” Continue reading GE Capital cuts off funding to small gun stores

‘Shareholders’ File First-Ever ‘Carbon Bubble’ Resolutions

“Shareholder activists are concerned that fossil fuels could become unburnable because of climate laws—and they want firms to divulge the financial risks.” Continue reading ‘Shareholders’ File First-Ever ‘Carbon Bubble’ Resolutions

Government-Rentseeker Complex: Exelon offers to help EPA with major anti-coal regulation

Courtesy of Chris Horner, an e-mail from nuclear utility Exelon offering to help EPA with its anti-coal utility MACT regulation. Continue reading Government-Rentseeker Complex: Exelon offers to help EPA with major anti-coal regulation

University of Oxford to identify ‘stranded’ high carbon assets

“Investors continue to deploy hundreds of billions of pounds into polluting and unsustainable sectors.” Continue reading University of Oxford to identify ‘stranded’ high carbon assets

McDonald’s Sustainable Fish: All U.S. Locations To Serve MSC-Certified Seafood

All this means is that McDonald’s is paying the enviros to leave it alone. Continue reading McDonald’s Sustainable Fish: All U.S. Locations To Serve MSC-Certified Seafood