EPA Peer Review: The Best Rubberstamping Cronies Money Can Buy

Now that the Biden EPA has rolled back the conflict-of-interest standards imposed by the Trump EPA on the agency’s outside scientific peer review panels, it has gone back to its old practice of stocking its peer review boards with agency research grant-recipient cronies who can be counted on to rubber-stamp whatever EPA wants to do. The Biden EPA most recently announced the particulate matter (PM) subpanel for the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). As per below, 17 of the 22 members are current and/or former EPA grantees. The amounts associated with them as principal investigators are shown. Note the largest grantee (Lianne Sheppard, recipient of $60,032,782 in EPA grants) is, naturally, the chairman. Sheppard is also the chairman of the main CASAC panel as well as a member of EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB), a separate outside review panel. The Biden EPA needs a reliable multi-purpose rubber-stamper and that is Sheppard, an activist who sued the Trump EPA because it instituted conflict of interest rules under which she was ineligible to rubber-stamp agency wishes. Stay tuned. More coming on this! And please support JunkScience.com!

Milloy to EPA Administrator: Pick a new CASAC or see you in court

My letter to Biden EPA administrator Michael Regan about his stacking of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee panel with EPA grant-recipient cronies.

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Corrupt EPA stacks CASAC panel with agency grant cronies; Chair is top agency grant crony

EPA has filled the seven-seat Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee with five agency grant recipients. The CASAC chairman will be the University of Washington’s Lianne Sheppard, the top recipient of agency grants ($65+ million). In 2018, Sheppard sued the Trump administration after being excluded from being an independent EPA science advisor because she was an agency grant recipient. The four agency grant recipients included on the “independent”CASAC board include: Michelle Bell ($29 million), James Boylan ($229,770), Judith Chow ($449,456) and Mark Frampton ($36+ million). EPA completely ignored the recommendations of JunkScience.com, instead opting for a totally corrupt and rubber-stamping CASAC. EPA’s CASAC will now be led by someone who gets paid to do research for EPA then gets to review and rubberstamp her and her colleagues’ (also EPA grant recipients) work. No corruption here. Move on. Support JunkScience.com to fight back against this outrageous fraud.

Top EPA grant grubber Lianne Sheppard is now chairman of EPA’s CASAC board of outside advisors on air quality science.

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Milloy comments to EPA on selection of air quality science advisory board members

Below is my public comment to EPA regarding its selection of members for the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).The deadline for filing comments is June 1. So it’s not too late for you to participate. Instructions are here.

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Steve Milloy Webinar on PM2.5 Science Fraud Today at 2pm ET

I am giving a webinar titled, “PM2.5: The Most Demonstrable Science Fraud of Our Time” at 2pm ET today. The sponsor is a Dutch organization called “De Groene Rekenkamer” [The Green Accounting Office], a group of about 1,000 journalists, scientists and engineers. The link to join is here.

An apple a day kills 3.8 people from air pollution per year?

The latest (EPA-funded) PM2.5 horror story is that PM2.5 from farm emissions kills 17,000 people per year. Thanks to PM2.5 science fraud, you can now even figure out just how “deadly” the food you eat is.

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Nope… PM2.5 does NOT disproportionately affect people of color

A new EPA-funded study reports that people of color are disproportionately affected by PM2.5. It’s too stupid for words.

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EPA may use ozone as backdoor to regulate CO2

A Wall Street Journal editorial (Web | PDF) reports that EPA may try to use the ozone national air quality standard as a means of regulating CO2. Here’s how it would work.

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