Wall Street Journal editorializes on Young v. EPA

The Wall Street Journal editorializes on the Young v. EPA lawsuit. (Web | PDF). The amended complaint is here. Here is more previous media coverage of the lawsuit: Washington Times | Legal Insurrection | Daily Signal | Report Door | Epoch Times | Reuters | Law360 | National Review | Daily Caller | Bloomberg Law | Fox News

EPA PM2.5 Railroad Update: CASAC PM subpanel advises tougher standards

The EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel voted last week to advise the EPA administrator to tighten the PM2.5 standards. The final advisory decision is now elevated to the main CASAC panel — most of the members of which are also on the subpanel. So the vote is basically predetermined. The only thing that can stop this is Young v. EPA lawsuit. Court argument scheduled for Dec. 22. Background on the EPA PM2.5 railroad.

Milloy to EPA CASAC PM Subpanel: EPA’s assessment of PM2.5 is science fraud

Below is my testimony at today’s public meeting of EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel concerning EPA’s updated assessment of PM2.5 science. Not surprisingly, the EPA air pollution mafia declined my challenge to point out where I was wrong… because I’m not. Former UCLA epidemiologist Jim Enstrom also provided great comments. They are here. EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel failed to ask Enstrom any questions about his testimony either. Please support JunkScience.com!

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EPA: Cleaner air is more deadly

The EPA’s draft PM2.5 policy assessment update claims that at low levels, the PM2.5 dose-response curve is supralinear for fatal heart attacks (see image below) — meaning that cleaner air actually kills people. So stupid. There is not a substance known to toxicology where the dose-response curve shows that lower exposure is more dangerous than higher exposure. The odds are zero that PM2.5 is the first.

Young v. EPA Update: Response and Reply to Preliminary Injunction Request Against EPA

Here is the Department of Justice response to the plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction against EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) conducting business. Here is the plaintiffs’ response to the DOJ filed today.

Former CASAC chair added as plaintiff in Young v. EPA

Tony Cox, the former chairman of the EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, has been added as a plaintiff to the Young v. EPA suit about EPA’s illegal stacking of agency science advisory boards with grant-recipient cronies. The amended complaint is here. Here is media coverage of the lawsuit: Washington Times | Legal Insurrection | Daily Signal | Report Door | Epoch Times | Reuters | Law360 | National Review | Daily Caller | Bloomberg Law | Fox News

Preliminary injunction sought in Young v. EPA

Just filed, here is the memorandum in support of a preliminary injunction against EPA in Young v. EPA. Dr. Young has asked the court to step in immediately and to block EPA from starting the CASAC advisory process until the CASAC can be reconstituted in the balanced manner required by the law. Dr. Young and other highly qualified scientists were purposefully and unlawfully excluded from CASAC so that EPA’s panel of hand-picked grant recipient cronies could rubberstamp, in an expedited manner, the agency’s predetermined regulatory agenda with respect to fine particulate matter in outdoor air called “PM2.5.” EPA has clearly violated the intent and letter of the law. If allowed to proceed with its corrupt panel, EPA and the public will be deprived of Dr. Young’s expert, independent and unbiased views. Given the significance of PM2.5 science to EPA PM2.5 regulations, which have been the basis of EPA’s most consequential and costly air quality and climate regulations, it is incumbent up EPA to base regulatory decisions on the best available science vs. the corrupt process in place now. Here is my op-ed about the case in today’s Washington Times.

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The EPA PM railroad begins rolling

After science advisor cleansing and reconstituting science advisory boards with its rubber-stamping cronies, the EPA PM2.5 railroad is ready to roll. It has an ‘updated assessment’ out and ready for rubberstamping, starting with EPA’s CASAC PM subpanel of cronies. The ostensible goal is to cut the PM2.5 national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) from 12 millionths of a gram per cubic meter to 8. What stands in the way of all this fraud is Young v. EPA.

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Milloy lectures National Academy of Sciences panel on biological plausibility of PM2.5 killing people

Here is my oral testimony to the NAS panel on Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards, a panel chock full of EPA PM2.5 research grantees including the infamous Francesca Dominici, Armistead G. Russell (EPA grantee crony, $23,319,799 in grants), Charles Driscoll (EPA grantee crony, $7,437,921 in grants) and Joel Kaufman (EPA grantee-crony. $55,411,682 in grants and illegal human experimenter). My testimony is below.

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Biden EPA science appointee on leave from Communist Chinese university; Congress investigating

Biden EPA science official and air quality hack Chris Frey is on leave from a Communist Chinese university — and we’re not talking the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (purchases by China for $350 million in 2014). Here is the FoxNews.com story. Here is the letter from Congress. Before Democrats took control of the House in 2019, Congress was investigating whether Communist China was paying green groups to wreck the US economy by advocating for more EPA regulations.

Enstrom calls on NAS to drop junk scientist Dominici from air quality committee

The National Academy of Sciences has convened (for money) at EPA’s “request” a committee of ‘researchers’ in a panel called, “Assessing Causality from a Multidisciplinary Evidence Base for National Ambient Air Quality Standards.” Despite what the NAS says, the purpose of this committee is to help the Biden EPA resurrect the PM2.5 junk science that the Obama EPA used to railroad the coal industry and that the Trump EPA abandoned. Enstrom’s complaint addresses the dishonest Francesca Dominici. But other committee members (really the entire committee) need to go as well, including Armistead G. Russell (EPA grantee crony, $23,319,799 in grants), Charles Driscoll (EPA grantee crony, $7,437,921 in grants) and Joel Kaufman (EPA grantee-crony. $55,411,682 in grants and illegal human experimenter). We’ve scene this charade before, when the EPA hired NAS to whitewash its illegal human experiments. Now the EPA is paying the NAS to prime the walls for EPA to paper over the Trump EPA’s throttling of the agency’s PM2.5 science fraud.