Notice of Appeal filed in Young v. EPA

Coming off a partial trial court loss in September, the CASAC portion of Young v. EPA is being appealed. The question to be determined is: Did Congress authorize EPA to rig statutorily required external scientific peer review with agency grantee-cronies? This case will determine the outcome of the Biden regime’s efforts to backdoor regulate climate emissions through PM2.5 and ozone air quality standards. Stay tuned.

Federal judge allows EPA to rig scientific peer review panel

A shocking and disappointing decision in Young v. EPA. My comment: EPA clearly rigged its air quality science peer review with paid-off cronies. Congress never intended to allow EPA to rig scientific peer review when it wrote the Clean Air Act and Federal Advisory Committee Act. Another low for the federal judiciary.

California: Ban diesel trucks because they are racist — but okay to test diesel exhaust on minority children?

A segment from today’s episode of Outnumbered on Readers will recall that uncovered illegal EPA-funded and UCLA and USC experiments in which ‘researchers’ sprayed diesel exhaust up the noses of children to see what would happen. I would bet that these children were minorities attending some free clinic who were abused by idiotic researchers.

Milloy testifies on EPA’s proposed tightening of emissions from bulk gasoline terminals

Delivered today. Short and sweet. You can submit your comments here.

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Despite extant lawsuit, corrupt Biden EPA CASAC recommends tightening PM2.5 standard

Despite that Young v. EPA is pending, the corrupt Biden EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee is recommending that EPA tighten the PM2.5 NAAQS. Read the E&E News report.

Crony-stacked CASAC set to rubberstamp EPA PM2.5 science fraud

EPA released draft letters for CASAC to rubberstamp at meetings upcoming later this month and in early March. Here are the draft CASAC letters on PM2.5 science and policy. The only short-term hope for derailing this railroad of fraud is Young v. EPA, for which we are awaiting a decision at anytime.

PM2.5 reaching new depths of fraud: Cleaner air is deadlier air?

Breathing any air is just too dangerous. So stop it. The EPA and auto/truck industry rentseeker-funded Health Effects Institute has a new study claiming that cleaner air increases the risk of death — see highlighted text below. Just shockingly dishonest and stupid. As always, all you need to know about the PM2.5 hoax is contained in Scare Pollution. The fraudulent study and related HEI links are here. We are still awaiting the decision in Young v. EPA which could prevent EPA from using this fraud to justify more PM2.5-based regulation.


Biden scientific integrity report validates Young v. EPA

After 30+ years of study, observation and experience, I can say with confidence that there is little intersection between government “science” and scientific integrity. That the Biden administration would issue a report (Web | PDF) on science integrity in the wake of COVID and the EPA science advisor massacre is pure hubris. Nonetheless, there is one part of the report that entirely validates the plaintiff’s case in the ongoing Young v. EPA lawsuit.

Continue reading Biden scientific integrity report validates Young v. EPA

New air quality data from China don’t support EPA claim that PM2.5 kills

China seems to have made substantial progress in cutting PM2.5 levels in Beijing. Has this made a difference in Beijing mortality rates? EPA PM2.5 ‘science’ says it should. We report. You decide.

Continue reading New air quality data from China don’t support EPA claim that PM2.5 kills

Wall Street Journal editorializes on Young v. EPA

The Wall Street Journal editorializes on the Young v. EPA lawsuit. (Web | PDF). The amended complaint is here. Here is more previous media coverage of the lawsuit: Washington Times | Legal Insurrection | Daily Signal | Report Door | Epoch Times | Reuters | Law360 | National Review | Daily Caller | Bloomberg Law | Fox News