Media Matters Smear of ICCC9 Speakers = Epic FAIL

Gotta feel sorry for the poor writers at Media Matters with their “Climate Denial Goes Vegas” attempt to smear all the speakers at the 9th International Conference on Climate Change in Las Vegas a few days ago. Their very first major wipeout was the title they chose for their smear, but they would not have had prior knowledge of how Lord Monckton was going to destroy the “denier” label there. With regard to me, Russell Cook, your humble Panel 9 “Communicating Climate Change: The Blogosphere” speaker, our friends at Media Matters made 6 errors in 4 line categories in their pathetic attempt to trash me. Continue reading Media Matters Smear of ICCC9 Speakers = Epic FAIL

Steyer-Bloomberg-Paulson Risky Business Project Too Busy to Defend Its Science

Former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson was on the PBS NewsHour last Wednesday night, explaining on behalf of his new Risky Business Project how much of an economic catastrophe inaction on solving global warming could be. Since I already had a set of tough questions to pose to organizations that otherwise proceed on the premise of man-caused global warming as settled science, I fired off those to Risky Business Project to see what result I’d get. Watch what happened in this case. Continue reading Steyer-Bloomberg-Paulson Risky Business Project Too Busy to Defend Its Science

Ross Gelbspan is Still Not a Pulitzer Winner (not even for just 4 Days) [*5/6/14 update, an ongoing label fumble]

What we have is a classic case of “now you see it, now you don’t”…. an egregiously incorrect accolade for global warming alarmist book author Ross Gelbspan that has now disappeared without explanation from an article at the highly regarded Columbia Journalism Review. [5/6/14 update now at 7th paragraph – the plot thickens] Continue reading Ross Gelbspan is Still Not a Pulitzer Winner (not even for just 4 Days) [*5/6/14 update, an ongoing label fumble]

Revisiting IPCC Official’s “North Pole Melts after 50 million-year Freeze”; That’s Not his Only Problem.

James McCarthy, a senior IPCC official between 1997 and 2001, made a statement about Arctic ice melt in 2000 so erroneous that the New York Times needed to write a major retraction about its mention of it. Later in 2004, McCarthy was part of an ‘expert’ press briefing about “Global warming likely to continue spurring more outbreaks of intense hurricane activity”. In Donna Laframboise’s 2011 blog, she tells how that press briefing is tied straight to the infamous resignation of Chris Landsea from the IPCC. As many know, the predictions for hurricanes haven’t worked out so well lately. More recently, we are told McCarthy was involved in the origins of the idea that skeptic climate scientists are ‘paid shills working for the fossil fuel industry’. Continue reading Revisiting IPCC Official’s “North Pole Melts after 50 million-year Freeze”; That’s Not his Only Problem.

If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

We can apparently add one more situation to the growing pile of instances where folks pushing the idea of man-caused global warming are caught trying to hide inconvenient details. Continue reading If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

Global Warming Causes Warm/Cold, Wet/Dry, Bigger/Smaller Lobsters

Promoters of man-caused global warming unleash yet another irreconcilable problem for themselves. Continue reading Global Warming Causes Warm/Cold, Wet/Dry, Bigger/Smaller Lobsters

PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

In the PBS NewsHour’s brief news wrap feature on May 10, its viewers received “grim” news of a worldwide rise of CO2 levels, and were treated to similar news again on Monday (6th paragraph). As I reported last year right here at JS, that’s all we’ve ever heard from them about global warming. But did a particular admission in their climate change report last night undermine their entire narrative? Continue reading PBS NewsHour: CO2 Very Bad… except when plants use it to grow better

Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today

Straight from an email I received from Al Gore (Steve Milloy’s reproduced an identical one to him): I’m pleased to invite you to join me for an interactive Google Hangout with my good friend Jeff Skoll tomorrow, June 11, at 2pm EDT …. Most importantly, I want to invite you to participate in shaping the conversation by submitting your questions and watching the Hangout….

Well, I gave it a shot. Continue reading Tried to Directly Ask Al Gore a Question Today

HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Thanks to Steve Milloy for alerting JunkScience readers earlier today to this 1/16/13 Huffington Post article by Climate Counts Project Director Mike Bellamente. When asked if he attempted to apply his own ‘handling’ tips to people who promote the idea of man-caused global warming, Bellamente said he did. We await to find out how that turned out for him, but let’s go ahead and try that exercise right here, shall we? Continue reading HuffPo’s “5 Tips for Handling Climate Skeptics” implodes

Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’

A must-read piece by Matthew Continetti, stemming from – of all places, Mother Jones – on how Greenpeace and other progressives want “… to change the rules of the game so that greens and unions can push their agenda….” Continue reading Washington Free Beacon: the ‘believe-it-or-not inaugural meetings of the progressive Democracy Initiative’

“Ocean Acidification”: A Sweet or Sour Talking Point FAIL?

There’s the science of man-caused global warming and there are the semantics of the issue. A major global warming talking point label begs for a deeper look into why it has every appearance of becoming an exceedingly inconvenient wipe-out, when it implodes under a simple exercise in common sense. Continue reading “Ocean Acidification”: A Sweet or Sour Talking Point FAIL?

Bizarre ‘Fox Lies’ video: Alleged “Climate-Denying O’Reilly Fan” Now Believes Global Warming is Real

A case study on what happens when somebody makes an assertion about a Fox News personality without doing some elemental research into what he actually says or believes. Continue reading Bizarre ‘Fox Lies’ video: Alleged “Climate-Denying O’Reilly Fan” Now Believes Global Warming is Real