Hyperventilation: Greens unhappy about Heartland plans for K-12 climate program

“Internal documents acquired by ThinkProgress Green reveal that the Heartland Institute, a right-wing think tank funded by the Koch brothers, Microsoft, and other top corporations, is planning to develop a ‘global warming curriculum’ for elementary schoolchildren that presents climate science as ‘a major scientific controversy.'” Continue reading Hyperventilation: Greens unhappy about Heartland plans for K-12 climate program

Environmental groups to sue over emissions from Homer City plant

The enviros claim the plant contributes to 43 premature deaths, 72 heart attacks and 660 asthma attacks annually. Show us one, please. Continue reading Environmental groups to sue over emissions from Homer City plant

Aussie flooding blamed on global warming

“One thing that’s certain is that the water north of Australia has warmed about 0.7 degrees above the long-term average. For this key region, we are in the situation now where the long-term trend is as significant as natural variability.” Continue reading Aussie flooding blamed on global warming