Examiner: Constitutional right of due process at stake in EPA case

“Worst of all, EPA claimed in federal district and appellate courts that respecting the couple’s due process rights by granting them judicial review of the order would be a “disservice” to the agency.” Continue reading Examiner: Constitutional right of due process at stake in EPA case

Canadian Minister Tells Enviros to F**k Off on Oilsands Obstructionism

That’s Ron Bailey’s take on a “no holds barred” open letter from the Natural Resources Canada minister Joe Oliver. Continue reading Canadian Minister Tells Enviros to F**k Off on Oilsands Obstructionism

The Idsos: A Perversion of Science?

“In a front-page article in the 20 December 2011 issue of EOS, entitled “What Do U.S. Students Know About Climate Change,” Kevin M. Theissen makes some egregious statements that are not in harmony with basic principles that should be embraced by true practitioners of science.” Continue reading The Idsos: A Perversion of Science?