2022 Nobel physics prize winner rips climate idiocy: No ‘climate crisis’ and IPCC ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation’

2022 Nobel physics winner John Clauser ripped the pseudoscience and ‘techno-con’ that is climate last week in South Korea.

2 thoughts on “2022 Nobel physics prize winner rips climate idiocy: No ‘climate crisis’ and IPCC ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation’”

  1. Great to hear from a SCIENTIST
    The apparatchiks won’t like this at all,
    Wait for the Ad Hominem / Tu Quoque ‘criticisms’.
    My only reservation: He talks about ‘good science’
    Far more practical, IMHO, to accept that there is SCIENCE & much more popular & widespread, Junk Science………….

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