EPA trying to railroad the formaldehyde risk assessment

One of the of the first regulatory controversies I was involved in when I started working on environmental issues in 1990 was the formaldehyde risk assessment. The controversy continues to this day with an impatient EPA trying to ram through a rigged risk assessment. That alone should tell what you need to know about any junk science-fueled alarm over formaldehyde — a much-studied and well-understood chemical. Here is a fact sheet on the EPA formaldehyde railroad prepared by the American Chemistry Council. Also check out the related letter from ACC, and this letter from Ohio Congressman Mike Carey to the rogue EPA.

One thought on “EPA trying to railroad the formaldehyde risk assessment”

  1. another EPA jamoke looking to create some award for himself with a bogus “study” based on junk science and innuendo. This guy needs to have his credentials stripped and get booted to the curb along with the rest of the scamsters at EPA.

    Are government agencies newly corrupt, self serving, and dangerous to the country, or has it always been this way but modern communications and FOIA type laws opened our eyes?

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