Milloy comments to EPA on selection of air quality science advisory board members

Below is my public comment to EPA regarding its selection of members for the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).The deadline for filing comments is June 1. So it’s not too late for you to participate. Instructions are here.

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Jesse Kelly explains what facts don’t matter to communists

From the May 26, 2021 episode of Tucker Carlson’s show. The entire segment is great but pay particular attention to what Jesse Kelly says between 2:08-2:27. He explains precisely why facts bounce of the left, whether the topic is gun control, climate, COVID, race, Trump or anything else. Just brilliant.

Steve Milloy talks new climate poll, ExxonMobil and China with Kara McKinney on OANN

From the May 26, 2021 episode of “Tipping Point.”

Milloy reads riot act to ExxonMobil management on climate; Calls for CEO and board to be dismissed

You can read the presentation of my shareholder proposal to ExxonMobil or listen to it below. The operator cut me off at the end. But then CEO Darren Woods let me finish the end of my proposal.

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Greens alarmed by Milloy nominating science advisers to EPA

I drive greens crazy simply by nominating candidates to EPA’s independent science advisory boards [Web | PDF]. Thanks to all those who helped. Please support so we can drive the greens even crazier.


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Milloy presents shareholder proposal on climate hoax at Xcel Energy shareholder meeting

My presentation is below. Xcel Energy’s proxy statement (containing my proposal and management’s response) is here. [Update; Similar presentations were also made at the May 20 meetings of DTE Energy and Alliant Energy shareholders.]

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Steve Milloy Webinar on PM2.5 Science Fraud Today at 2pm ET

I am giving a webinar titled, “PM2.5: The Most Demonstrable Science Fraud of Our Time” at 2pm ET today. The sponsor is a Dutch organization called “De Groene Rekenkamer” [The Green Accounting Office], a group of about 1,000 journalists, scientists and engineers. The link to join is here.

An apple a day kills 3.8 people from air pollution per year?

The latest (EPA-funded) PM2.5 horror story is that PM2.5 from farm emissions kills 17,000 people per year. Thanks to PM2.5 science fraud, you can now even figure out just how “deadly” the food you eat is.

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‘Settled Science’ Devastated: Solar activity may control El Nino/La Nina, study says

El Nino exerts powerful control on Earth’s climate today. “Now there’s emerging research to suggest that cosmic rays, or positively charged, high-energy particles from space, might be the mechanism that flips the switch between phases.” Read the WaPo report: Web | PDF. Read the study: Web | PDF. Please support

IEA report shows Biden climate policies make US entirely dependent on China

Check out how Biden climate policies (i.e., more wind, solar and EVs) would increase out dependency on China for raw materials and processing.

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