Biden White House fires all EPA science advisers; Science fraudsters to make triumphant return

The Biden EPA fired its outside science advisers (both CASAC and SAB) today and reversed the Trump anti-corruption policy of not allowing current EPA grantees to review and rubber-stamp their own work and EPA’s agenda. The e-mail is below. Background on the Trump effort is here. The order most likely came from White House climate fuhrer Gina McCarthy, versus bobblehead EPA administrator Michael Regan. Oh yeah, EPA is supposed to be an “independent” agency.

EPA may use ozone as backdoor to regulate CO2

A Wall Street Journal editorial (Web | PDF) reports that EPA may try to use the ozone national air quality standard as a means of regulating CO2. Here’s how it would work.

Continue reading EPA may use ozone as backdoor to regulate CO2

ExxonMobil opposes Milloy shareholder proposal for honest climate disclosures

ExxonMobil has issued its 2021 proxy statement for its annual shareholder meeting in May. As expected, ExxonMobil has recommended that shareholders vote against Steve Milloy’s proposal for an annual report on the costs and benefits of the company’s climate activities. ExxonMobil’s response to my proposal contains several false and misleading statements.

Continue reading ExxonMobil opposes Milloy shareholder proposal for honest climate disclosures

Milloy talks soaring gas prices with Kara McKinney on OANN’s “Tipping Point”

from last night’s show.

Winning: First Energy and Steve Milloy agree to climate disclosures

First Energy Corp., one of the largest electric utilities in the US, has agreed to make certain climate disclosures in exchange for Steve Milloy withdrawing his climate disclosure-related shareholder proposal.

Continue reading Winning: First Energy and Steve Milloy agree to climate disclosures

Tucker Carlson erroneously frets the end of humanity based on Shanna Swan sperm count junk science

Tucker Carlson is fantastic. But he is sometimes taken in by environmental fraud. Below is his March 1, 2021 segment fretting the end of humanity based on the crappy work of Shanna Swan. Here is my 2003 column on Shanna Swan’s crappy sperm count work. Nothing has changed. Here is my more extensive recent piece on the always-bogus endocrine disrupter fraud.

North Face Plant: Nylon jacket-maker won’t sell jackets to oil company because of climate

My latest at

Continue reading North Face Plant: Nylon jacket-maker won’t sell jackets to oil company because of climate

Milloy talks the Great Texas Windmill Disaster on Newsmax

I was just on Newsmax’s “American Agenda” talking the Great Texas Windmill Disaster with Heather Childers and Bob Sellers. My related op-ed is here. The windmills failed first and most. The rest is just spin to make up for the windmills that didn’t.

Video: Ed Calabrese explains the historical foundations and scientific misconduct behind the LNT model

The linear non-threshold model (LNT) for carcinogenesis sadly is the foundation chemical and radiation risk assessment around the world. Here, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s Dr. Ed Calabrese explains the historical scientific fraud that underpins the LNT. Calabrese has done amazing original investigative research that has been previously published in numerous articles in various scientific journals. In this 55-minute video, he boils it all down. Don’t pass it up. We owe Ed a great debt for this difficult and thankless research.

Zycher on ESG: ‘A blatant effort to use private-sector resources for ideological purposes’

Read the fabulous Ben Zycher‘s even more fabulous House testimony on the ongoing climate communist bid to convert corporate America into useful idiots via ESG (Environmental Social and Governance), which used to be called CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).