Orwellian: Climate predictions are wrong, but YouTube gives climate skeptics the asterisk

JunkScience and the Heartland Institute just collaborated on “Climate Prediction Swings and Misses: A Decade of Alarmist Strikeouts, 2010-2019“, a compilation which includes a short YouTube video.

Note that immediately under the video is a link to the “global warming” entry for Wikipedia. Why? Below is YouTube’s explanation.

That’s right. We present 10 wild climate alarmist predictions that were in print and didn’t come true… and YouTube labels our video as possibly misinforming people?

Climate Prediction Swings and Misses: A Decade of Alarmist Strikeouts, 2010-2019

10 up and 10 down. Compiled by me. Video by the Heartland Institute’s Jim Lakely. Tweeted by the venerable Brit Hume.

View the post with newspaper headlines at Heartland.org | PDF).

TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

EPA’s science advisory panel for air quality, the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), has now officially trashed all the scary claims the agency has been making for the past 25 years about PM2.5 in outdoor air. The letter was transmitted to Administrator Andrew Wheeler yesterday. The future significance is that the PM2.5 air quality standards will NOT be tightening for the first time in a long while. It also means that the Obama war on coal rules were 100% scientifically bankrupt.

Continue reading TOTAL VICTORY: EPA science advisers trash EPA staff assessment of PM2.5 ‘science’

Milloy files greenwashing shareholder proposal with ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil says it plays “an essential role in addressing the risks of climate change.” But the oil ExxonMobil sells (when burned) emits 30 times more CO2 than the amount of emissions ExxonMobil claims to avoid emitting at its facilities. So what is actually being accomplished by the billions of dollars ExxonMobil spends “addressing the risks of climate change”? Below is my just-filed shareholder proposal.

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Milloy files greenwashing shareholder proposal with Xcel Energy

Xcel Energy announced in 2019 it would be the first electric utility to derive 100% of its electricity from sources that don’t emit CO2 by 2050. Management should explain to shareholders what this will accomplish and what it will cost. Below is the shareholder proposal I just filed with Xcel.

Continue reading Milloy files greenwashing shareholder proposal with Xcel Energy

The Fantastic Work of the Trump Department of Interior

I had the privilege of attending a public policy briefing at the Department of Interior this week. Secretary Dave Bernhardt shared with us these slides spotlighting the fantastic deregulatory work he is doing.

Continue reading The Fantastic Work of the Trump Department of Interior