Obama EPA science advisor trying to stop Trump EPA science adviser from reviewing PM2.5 science

Obama EPA CASAC Chair Chris Frey is trying to stop Trump EPA CASAC Chair Tony Cox from asking questions about PM2.5 of EPA staff and the Health Effects Institute. Here are the questions Cox asked EPA staff. Here is Frey’s complaint. Below is an excerpt from today’s E&E News report on Frey’s bid to keep the Obama EPA’s PM2.5 fraud alive.

Source: E&E News ($)

Busted: No climate impact from Trump policies

A new report from anti-Trump state AGs projects that Trump climate policies will increase emissions by 200 million tons per year by 2025. But as the UN just reported, manmade emissions are now at about 53.5 BILLION tons per year (and rising). If you do the (simple) math, Trump policies are project to increase global emissions by a mere 0.37% — about one-third of a percent. Even if you have fallen for climate hysteria, simple math and common sense shows that Trump policies are climatically insignificant.

Source: Reuters Web | PDF

Exposed & Debunked: The Endocrine Disrupter Scare

JunkScience has been on top of the always-bogus endocrine disrupter scare since its beginning in March 1996.

Now, JunkScience.com has compiled “The Endocrine Disrupter Scare,” a history of the scare.

Stan Young backs Milloy Wall Street Journal op-ed on endocrine disruptors

JunkScience.com friend, the great Stan Young scores a letter in the Wall Street Journal in support go Steve Milloy’s op-ed from earlier this week.

Continue reading Stan Young backs Milloy Wall Street Journal op-ed on endocrine disruptors