Just how stupid was the Obama EPA mercury rule for coal-fired power plants? You won’t believe it.
Month: December 2018
The Never-ending Case of Michael Mann v. Free Speech: Good News, Bad News
A new ruling from the DC Court of Appeals in today. What you need to know.
Continue reading The Never-ending Case of Michael Mann v. Free Speech: Good News, Bad News
Double-standard in fake news attack on EPA CASAC chair Tony Cox
Below is this morning’s attack on EPA CASAC chair Tony Cox for allowing the American Petroleum Institute the opportunity for input on some of his research. But Cox has been open and honest about this and the affair is a nothing-burger — quite the opposite of some EPA-funded Harvard and Syracuse researchers JunkScience.com exposed in 2015.
Continue reading Double-standard in fake news attack on EPA CASAC chair Tony Cox
Wow… pro-coal healthcare system divests from anti-coal Wells Fargo
Awesome. Full story at BurnMoreCoal.com.
Introducing… BURN MORE COAL… state-of-the-art pro-humanity advocacy
From BurnMoreCoal.com: “Welcome. We love coal. Beautiful clean coal. We want electric utilities to drop their foolhardy anti-coal political correctness so they can burn more coal to power our economy, raise our standard of living, secure our nation and set an example for the rest of the world. We own stock in electric utilities — whose announced shuttering of coal plants makes the Obama Clean Power Plan look mild by comparison — so we can advocate for coal as shareholders. You can help us buy stock and support our campaign for coal. You can also help out by giving us your proxy in electric utility stock you own. Check out ABOUT, MANIFESTO, ADVOCACY and PORTFOLIO to learn more about us.” We need your support!
WINNING: Milloy one of a ‘small but influential set’ Trump has been listening to
Axios reports that President Trump’s views on climate have been shaped over the years by a “small but influential set or organizations and people,” including JunkScience.com publisher Steve Milloy, CEI’s Myron Ebell, Murray Energy’s Bob Murray, the Heartland Institute and Sen. Jim Inhofe. Axios, of course, means this as a slam. Not only is Axios wrong, but I would be proud to have played a role in shaping President Trump’s views on climate.
MUST READ: Saving Africa From Lies That Kill
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