EPA staffer behind rigged glider truck testing, now trying to sabotage Trump rollback of Obama fuel economy standards

Senior EPA bureaucrat Bill Charmley is personally try to wreck to the Trump deregulatory agenda.

JunkScience.com readers will recall that Bill Charmley, the director of the Assessment and Standards Division in EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality, worked with Volvo Trucks last fall to sabotage the Trump rollback of the Obama EPA’s anti-glider truck rule by conducting an entirely a bogus emissions test of glider trucks.

We have learned today, courtesy of E&E News, that Charmley is also working to sabotage the Trump effort to rollback the Obama administration’s 2012 fuel economy (CAFE) standards.

According to E&E News:

Click here to read Charmley’s e-mail and memo.

When I first wrote about the bid by the new truck industry and EPA Deep Staters to (illegally) sabotage the rollback of the anti-glider rule (“EPA Bureaucrats Go Rogue on ‘Glider Truck’ Emissions“, Wall Street Journal, Jan. 12, 2018), I concluded my op-ed with this:

It sure looks like Bill Charmley, like fellow Deep Stater Peter Strzok, has volunteered to be fired.

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