‘Resistance’ games EPA Science Advisory Board meeting

By design, the public comment period at today’s EPA Science Advisory Board meeting will feature only Trump EPA opponents.

Click here for info on today’s meeting.

Here is the list of ‘public commenters’:

These activist commenters will be urging the EPA SAB to try to delay various Trump EPA initiatives including the rollbacks of the Clean Power Plan, WOTUS and glider truck rules, and the science transparency initiative.

The reason that there will no public commenters supporting the Trump EPA is that the EPA SAB office — which is stilled manned by the resistance and has not yet been taken over by the Trump administration — has planned it that way.

SAB meetings are ordinarily sleepy affairs and the CPP, WOTUS and glider rule rollbacks are legal/policy not scientific issues. But the resistance members of the SAB put together a secret memo that only surfaced on May 18, four days ahead of the May 22 deadline for reserving time to make comments. They clearly did so in cahoots with green groups opposed to the aforesaid Trump EPA actions. Although EPA chief Pruitt has taken steps to balance the EPA SAB, it is still dominated by Obama EPA picks by about 2-to-1. No doubt the resistance has arranged for much of the fake news media to be on hand to record this orchestrated tirade against the Trump EPA.

Yesterday, I asked the EPA for time to address the SAB, but was refused. I was told I could submit written comments — even though the deadline for written comments was also May 22. Send your comments to Thomas Carpenter as described below:

Suggested points are that the SAB has no role in reviewing rule rollbacks (like those of the CPP, WOTUS, and glider trucks) that are legal/policy-based (vs. standard review of scientific reports/assessments), and that we want science transparency ASAP — not in another year or so when the SAB gets around to finishing a review of what should already be happening at EPA.

Personnel is policy and the Trump administration needs to gain control of the EPA or watch the resistance sabotage its efforts to MAGA.

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