If you’re going to be in Washington, DC on July 17, you can make oral comments on the EPA proposal. Click for the Federal Register notice.
Day: May 30, 2018
Pope fails to find error in Enstrom’s 2017 reanalysis of Pope 1995 PM2.5 study
Arden Pope had 14 months to find an error in Jim Enstrom’s 2017 redo and takedown of Pope’s 1995 study. Despite Pope’s arm-waving no actual error was found.

Here is the paragraph of Enstrom’s response:
Read Enstrom’s entire response published in Dose-Response.
Background/Additional Reading
- New study debunks key EPA PM2.5 study
- Dunn in Dose-Response: Enstrom’s Expose of Air Pollution Epidemiology Problems
- American Cancer Society basically confirms Jim Enstrom destroyed original 1995 Pope PM2.5 study
- Stan Young letter Enstrom redo of Pope PM2.5 study