LOL… dishonest, arrogant NEJM editor Drazen responds to physician letter: ‘We consider this matter closed’

We don’t.

NEJM editor Jeffrey Drazen has decided to risk his and his journal’s reputations to defend air quality lies coming from the Harvard-based EPA air quality mafia. Game on.

New England Journal of Medicine editor-in-chief Jeffrey Drazen has responded to the letter from physicians complaining about the fraudulent air quality study appearing in the NEJM last June.

Of course, Drazen is lying when he writes:

… you identify no errors of fact or eviudence of scientific wrongdoing.

Read for yourself:

  • The letter of Dr. John Dunn and other physicians;
  • The letter requesting retraction of the study.
  • Jim Enstrom’s takedown of the NEJM study;
  • The JunkScience-Drazen exchange about the false letters published in the NEJM; and
  • Our request for a federal investigation into the scientific misconduct in this taxpayer funded study.

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