And none of the candidates opposed were selected. Thanks to everyone who made recommendations. Winning!!!
Month: October 2017
Winning: EPA to ban grantee-cronies from serving on agency advisory boards has spearheaded the campaign for this policy move. Winning!!!
Continue reading Winning: EPA to ban grantee-cronies from serving on agency advisory boards
‘You May Die From This’: EPA and Its Gas Chamber of Horrors
Steve Milloy’s talk on PM2.5 and EPA’s illegal human testing at the 2017 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness meeting.
Anti-Glyphosate study author has unaccredited PhD from yogic flying ‘university’ in Iowa
A junk science Roundup. Ha-ha!
Ice sheets may melt rapidly in response to distant volcanoes
The preliminary results suggest that “present day ice sheets are potentially very vulnerable to volcanic eruptions.”
Continue reading Ice sheets may melt rapidly in response to distant volcanoes
New England Journal of Medicine editor chooses lying over science
New England Journal of Medicine editor Jeffrey Drazen has chosen an ominous course for his journal. ended the career of ex-Journal of the American Medical Association editor George Lundberg for dabbling in politicized junk science. We could use another scalp.

Continue reading New England Journal of Medicine editor chooses lying over science
Trump EPA to issue conflict of interest rules for EPA science advisors
Another big policy win for We helped launched this issue in 2011.
Continue reading Trump EPA to issue conflict of interest rules for EPA science advisors
DC Bar Bulletin interviews Milloy about overregulation
I set a new standard for level of discourse in the DC Bar Bulletin: “I’m not crapping on the general notion of regulations, but the problem is overregulation.”
Continue reading DC Bar Bulletin interviews Milloy about overregulation
Milloy makes White House blog
You can read my column here (with extra detail/links) or at the Wall Street Journal web site.
The Clean Power Plan’s Counterfeit Benefits
My op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal.
Continue reading The Clean Power Plan’s Counterfeit Benefits
Lie ’til you die: Harvard researchers, New England Journal of Medicine continue lying about ‘Air Pollution Still Kills’ study
The New England Journal of Medicine has printed letters commenting on its recent PM2.5 study (the accompanying editorial was entitled “Air Pollution Still Kills”), including a letter from our own Jim Enstrom and the Harvard authors’ response — the latter of whom apparently earned their PhDs in Mendacitology.
The Mistaken Birth And Adoption of the LNT: An Abridged Version
New from UMass-Amherst’s Ed Calabrese.

Continue reading The Mistaken Birth And Adoption of the LNT: An Abridged Version