No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’

The Washington Post reports today:


The problem, however, is that the decline in mercury level in tuna (if true, in the first place) is not due to reductions in coal burning. Continue reading No, burning less coal isn’t making tuna ‘safer’

Logger Resolute responds to Greenpeace bid to dismiss racketeering suit

Resolute’s response to Greenpeace’s motion to dismiss is here as well as declarations from forestry experts in favor of Resolute.


Continue reading Logger Resolute responds to Greenpeace bid to dismiss racketeering suit

Boom… fish farms debunk ‘ocean acidification’ alarm

” In contrast, the aquaculture industry was farming aquatic animals at CO2 levels that far exceed end-of-century climate change projections (sometimes >10 000 μatm) long before the term ‘ocean acidification’ was coined, with limited detrimental effects reported.”


Continue reading Boom… fish farms debunk ‘ocean acidification’ alarm

Oops… West Antarctic ice sheet melting as far back as 1940s

Pine Island Glacier is nearly two-thirds the size of the UK or the size of Texas. So what’s the cause since CO2 was only around 310 ppm in the 1940s?


Continue reading Oops… West Antarctic ice sheet melting as far back as 1940s

E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

Last October, the EPA selected Donna Kenski to fill an open slot on its Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC).

We just received 450 pages of e-mails from the EPA via the Freedom of Information Act covering Kenski’s selection.

They illustrate the need to #DrainTheSwamp. Continue reading E-mails expose EPA’s corrupt process for selecting science adviser

Another Food Myth Busted: Whole-fat milk consumption associated with leaner children

“The study’s findings differ from Health Canada, National Institutes of Health and American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines recommending two servings of low fat (one per cent or two per cent) milk for children over the age of two to reduce the risk of childhood obesity.” Continue reading Another Food Myth Busted: Whole-fat milk consumption associated with leaner children