7 thoughts on “Claim: Rise in sea level causes five islands in Solomons to disappear”

  1. Are we sure this isn’t the episode where the Professor thinks the island is sinking, but it was just Gilligan moving the lobster traps out further into the lagoon?!??

  2. If true, so what?

    There is no proof that any disappeared islands were caused by emissions of CO2. None.

    Let’s recall that the Hawaiian Islands are actually growing in size as we speak.

    The world has always changed. Can anyone say ‘disappeared Bering Straits land bridge’?

  3. Sea level rise? No, erosion – which goes on at all times. Ask an archeologist about entire cities around the Mediteranean which are being [re-]discovered.

  4. Well could it be, this? 30 April, 2014, Heavy rain brought by Tropical Cyclone Ita in early April caused some of the worst flash flooding in the history of the Solomon Islands. The rains caused river systems to overflow, sending torrents of brown water through the capital Honiara and villages across Guadalcanal Province.

    Homes and infrastructure were washed away, including one of only two bridges linking the east and west of Honiara. Aid workers reported seeing people carried out to sea, many of whom were women and children.

    At least 22 people were killed and over 50,000 affected – almost 10 per cent of the country’s total population.

    Honiara and the rest of Guadalcanal were declared disaster areas on 4 April.

    “The floods were not just the worst I have seen in my 14 years with the National Disaster Management Office, but in my whole life,” said Loti Yates, director of the NDMO.

    “Our main priorities are the thousands of people displaced, as well as food, health, and water and sanitation.
    Regional support through the Pacific Humanitarian Team

    Within two days of the storm, OCHA received a request from the Solomon Islands Government for assistance from the Pacific Humanitarian Team, a partnership of humanitarian agencies who work together in Pacific Island emergencies. As soon as the international airport reopened, the UN Resident Coordinator for the Solomon Islands, Osnat Lubrani, travelled to Honiara with the head of OCHA in the Pacific, Sune Gudnitz.

    “We met with development partners and Government officials to express our sympathy and support, and also to get an understanding of the most strategic way we can work together to help the thousands of people in need,” said Ms Lubrani.

    OCHA deployed four personnel to assist the Government to coordinate response efforts and support information management. Around 20 staff from over 10 regional UN agencies and the International Federation of Red Cross also converged in Honiara.

    “We are working with national authorities to ensure the coordination structure is effective in meeting the needs of affected people by providing technical and coordination expertise,” said Mr Gudnitz.

    OCHA and humanitarian partners are helping the Government to prepare a three-month action plan to outline immediate response activities and funding requirements.

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