Claim: Climate change may contribute to rising rates of chronic kidney disease

So drink some water. Criminy.

The media release is below.


Climate change may contribute to rising rates of chronic kidney disease
As temperature rises worldwide, dehydration and heat stress may take a toll on the kidneys



  • Chronic kidney disease that is not associated with traditional risk factors appears to be increasing in rural hot communities as worldwide temperature progressively rises.
  • The condition has likely increased due to global warming and an increase in extreme heat waves, and it is having a disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations.
  • Climate change has been increasingly connected to detrimental human health.

6 thoughts on “Claim: Climate change may contribute to rising rates of chronic kidney disease”

  1. Unbelievable. Yup. Drink water. Good for the kidneys. I’m a tx recipient. Genetic ESRD. Nothing to do with Climate Hysteria.

  2. see the big problem for them is the “if” … if temperatures rise … since they haven’t for 20 years its getting to be a bigger and bigger if each year …

  3. tadchem, thanks for the fix here, and for many useful comments lots of places.

  4. Would the incidence of kidney disease be higher in hot communities such as Phoenix, El Paso, Dallas and other hot places? Not likely

  5. Fixed:
    “Climate change alarmism may contribute to rising rates of chronic liver disease
    As anxiety rises worldwide, increased alcohol consumption may take a toll on the liver.”

  6. Notice the keyword “likely” in bullet point #2. We might as well get used to this. An indefinite qualifier means that the statement needs no substantiation because it does not really say anything. But the typical no-information reader is (as the writer is well aware) captivated by the alarm that the statement is created to convey, and accepts it as fact.

    Using this technique, you can say anything, and if called on the basis for the lie, you simply point out that you said nothing definitive, so there was no lie.

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