Obama fuel economy standards based on gas prices double today’s

“Fuel economy targets are so high that less than 5 percent of today’s increasingly energy-efficient vehicles can meet 2022 standards.” Continue reading Obama fuel economy standards based on gas prices double today’s

Panic: Lead taints drinking water in hundreds of schools, day cares across USA

Lead levels may exceed overly protective federal standards, but there is no evidence anyone is being harmed. Continue reading Panic: Lead taints drinking water in hundreds of schools, day cares across USA

Claim: Ocean acidification takes a toll on California’s coastline at nighttime

“At night, plants and animals respire just like we do, taking up oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. This adds carbon dioxide to the seawater and exacerbates effects of ocean acidification, causing the increasing risk to calcifying organisms.” Continue reading Claim: Ocean acidification takes a toll on California’s coastline at nighttime

Claim: Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to impulsivity, emotional problems in children

So where were all these problems when US air quality was at its “worst”? Where are they in China and India, now? Continue reading Claim: Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to impulsivity, emotional problems in children