Claim: Shipwrecks, tree rings reveal Caribbean hurricanes in buccaneer era

Shiver me timbers this is funny: “By combining shipwreck data and tree-ring data, we are extending the Caribbean hurricane record back in time and that improves our understanding of hurricane variability.” Continue reading Claim: Shipwrecks, tree rings reveal Caribbean hurricanes in buccaneer era

Scientists trash ‘myths’ of green aviation technology

“While these inventions are fascinating from a research perspective, they won’t act as a panacea for the harmful, climate damaging emissions that the aviation industry is increasingly releasing into our atmosphere.” Continue reading Scientists trash ‘myths’ of green aviation technology

Schools Add ‘Cli-Fi’ — Climate Fiction — to Lit Curriculums

The only Cli-Fi worth reading is Michael Crichton’s “State of Fear” — but that book may be reclassified to “Current Events.” Continue reading Schools Add ‘Cli-Fi’ — Climate Fiction — to Lit Curriculums

China CO2 Emissions May Have Peaked in 2014-Study

“Chinese carbon experts said any fall in emissions in 2015 would be mainly due to a slowdown in China’s economy, and it was unlikely that emissions had peaked so early.” Continue reading China CO2 Emissions May Have Peaked in 2014-Study