6 thoughts on “Study: Downpours Over Land Have Slowed Sea Level Rise”

  1. “According to recent public opinion polls, a supermajority of American Citizens now view “our” federal government with hatred and disgust. I think there’s reasons for that.”

    Actually, a hypermajority of the humans on planet earth view the US government with hatred and disgust. Though some “conservatives” may have to take some partial credit for that.

  2. A history of failed climate predictions.
    1. Early 1950: “The next ice age is starting! It may become so severe that the USA & USSR will be forced to combine their nuclear weapons to melt the advancing Ice sheets and save the continents.”
    2. The Himalayan glaciers were supposed to be melted and gone several years ago. They aren’t.
    3. 1970’s: Drastic predictions about Earth’s temperature rise. >15 years of no increase.
    4. About 4 years ago in our NE States and England: “It is tragic! Our children will never see any snow or enjoy any winter sports after this year!”
    5. After Hurricane Katina: “This is just tip of the iceberg! We will have hurricanes as strong as this or even stronger, several of them making landfall every year from now on!” No hurricane on the Eastern seaboard or gulf of Mexico has made landfall since Katrina.
    Their predictions resemble the ones we used to hear from the old Gypsy fortune tellers. The difference is the fortune tellers moved on as soon as they made their prediction, our AGW/ACC crowd can’t do that so they have to rely on blame shifting, lies, faked data, ridicule and threats (RICO). But the motive is the same “Cross my palm with $ilver!”

  3. Every time one of their wild claims is disproved, they become frantic and will grasp at anything with no though of how ridiculous it sounds.

  4. Is the real and honest problem simply the fact that modern technological advances have created illusions and delusions that mislead policy makers into believing that impracticable government programs are practicable? That all it takes is for enough money to be thrown at any problem by the right government program with the right number of government employees and ipso facto, magic stuff happens and the shower of magic fiat money upon the problem leads to the conjuring of a workable solution from the same magic hole in the air as that magic hole in the air from which the magic fiat money was conjured.

    According to recent public opinion polls, a supermajority of American Citizens now view “our” federal government with hatred and disgust. I think there’s reasons for that.

  5. They remind me of the Matrix parody “Computer Boy”.

    “LOOK! Over there!”

    So, does our sending huge amounts of stored water to the ocean in order to protect fish mean we are making the seas rise?

  6. I think the proper salute for the “truly knowing, scientifically scientific, consensusly consenting scientists is the famous “raspberry”.

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