5 thoughts on “Science magazine claims this is a photo of CO2”

  1. I really love the shots of nuclear cooling towers “spewing pollutants” into the air. I blame our incompetent educational (sic) system. It would appear that a really large percentage of the population are science ignoramuses.

  2. I looked at the image of “carbon dioxide” and found it so absurd, that I just took my glasses off, put my head in my hands and groaned. If this is a typical example of “real facts”, and it seems to be more so than I like, then we are deeply submerged in a right royal mess.

  3. There really is a difference between a confabulator and a liar. One of them is likely to be afflicted with a mental illness whereas the other is someone of low or no integrity.

  4. PP&L installed a wet scrubber to remove any ash emissions from their power plant at Glenrock WY. The stack only emitted steam and CO2. The anti-power crowd published pictures of it to “show how filthy emissions were being spewed into the air!” They claimed the pictures were of coal ash. Shameless liars.

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