Massive Gas Leak Plugged; Residents Seek Return to Normal

“Public health officials blamed symptoms on an odorant added to gas so it can be detected and have said they don’t expect long-term health effects.” Continue reading Massive Gas Leak Plugged; Residents Seek Return to Normal

Utilities too polite/afraid to gloat over SCOTUS slam of EPA rules

While cheap natural gas has dramatically changed the U.S. electricity generation mix, the real immediate effect of the SCOTUS ruling is on the Paris climate “deal.” Continue reading Utilities too polite/afraid to gloat over SCOTUS slam of EPA rules

First nationwide survey of climate change education How is climate change being taught in America’s public schools? The answers may shock you

Of course, the so-called National Center for Science Education is a warmist advocacy group. Continue reading First nationwide survey of climate change education How is climate change being taught in America’s public schools? The answers may shock you

False NYTimes… the EPA is NOT required to regulate CO2

The NYTimes reported this today:

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No law requires EPA to regulate CO2.

The 2007 SCOTUS decision in Massachusetts v. EPA merely authorized EPA to regulate CO2 it if wanted… which the Obama EPA wanted to do and did.

The EPA under the next president could easily decide to no longer regulate CO2. It would first have to propose not to do it, go through the rulemaking process and then survive likely litigation. But that could happen.

High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack

High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack, not even in persons genetically predisposed. Continue reading High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack