15 thoughts on “Claim: New Evidence Shows Global Climate Change Began Way Back in 1610”

  1. How many trees did the native Americans cut down? I doubt if there was any human-caused deforestation by them. Where such information?

  2. What I remember learning was that the little ice age may have begun about 1200 A.D. when it is thought that Anasazi Indians disappeared in the S.W. U.S. to, I think, the University of Oslo, Norway’s thought of about 1400 A.D. I learned that it was warmer before then, than it is now. England had a wine industry, which died out because of the little ice age. Greenland had vineyards which has been verified by archeologists. With the little ice age, the Thames River froze hard enough, and long enough, to be used as a road by heavy horses and coaches, and rivers, canals, and lakes in the Netherlands likewise, so it became reasonable for the Dutch army to develop ways to fight on skates. This I learned in history class in the Netherlands.

  3. Bwaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    And that is all this study and article deserves. Stop it … just stop it … there is no catastrophic climate change because too many cows fart and we drive cars.

    More CO2 more plants = more oxygen = more crops = happy life.

  4. And of course, if American Indians had not been so ‘xenophobic’ they would have welcomed the beleaguered European migrants.

    And of course, European migrants never caught a single disease from American Indians.

    Demand a verifiable source for the ’50-90 percent American Indian disappearance’.

  5. Timothy Straus wrote:
    “these government monetized scientists find ways to bend the facts to fill their void.”

    Timothy, are you referring to the “voids” that they have between their ears?

  6. As I recall from my college geography course, the US population of native Americans was about 5 million. I don’t remember the figure for Canada, probably half a million.

  7. This is silly stuff since around 18,000 years ago,the worlds forests and Jungles were far smaller in area yet CO2 was estimated to be around the 180 ppm level at the time.

    Which begs the question,why the low levels when there was far fewer plants around to absorb CO2 in reducing the total amount in the atmosphere.

  8. Not possible. The US land cannot support 10’s of millions of stone age people (they hadn’t even invented the wheel for gods sake!). High population density is only possible with a high division of labor.

  9. they state: While causes and extent of the Little Ice Age itself are also controversial—solar and volcanic activity also likely played a role—a new study published in January in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides clearer evidence from a team of archaeologists and climatologists that an earlier start to the Anthropocene might be the correct choice.
    The idea that the Little Ice Age was not directly caused by a serious reduction in Sunspot activity, the Maunder Minimum and increased volcanic activity is a joke..always these government monetized scientists find ways to bend the facts to fill their void.

  10. When the Pilgrims arrived, the local Native American tribes had been heavily depleted by disease. Guns germs and steel from whom?

  11. Two questions??? How many native Americans were there back in 1600? Tens of millions dying over 100 year span because of the European influx seems like an extremely high number. How many trees did the native Americans cut down? I doubt if there was any human-caused deforestation by them. It doesn’t take a lot of wood to build a teepee.

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