4 thoughts on “NYTimes op-ed scares public about farmers markets”

  1. “Convenience foods” have trained the public NOT to bother with proper washing and cooking.

  2. I avoid the Amish grown food. They have no running water so they tend to always smell bad. They also have a reputation for fertilizing with ‘night dirt’ their fecal matter. The locals know this, people who buy their produce tend to be from the city.

    I do not have a real preference for organic. I will buy organic if the conventional is of poor quality (not ripe, bruised or overripe). There is perhaps more of a risk with organic of E coli due to manure based fertilizers. However if used prior to planting manure helps build the soil and should be okay.

  3. Oh no – Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Newspapers are better used for removing dog poop from PARKS – The “writers” are paid by whom? May I guess the Food Industry “lobby” ?

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