German Green party plans to ban internal combustion engine from cars by 2036

Die Grünen sind verrückt.

Greens are crazy.

From Der Spiegel (Google translation is below).


Gasoline and diesel: Green want to ban cars with internal combustion engine from 2036

The Greens launch a frontal attack on petrol and diesel engines: When it comes after the green party, there should be no newly registered vehicles with combustion engines more from 2036th

Vehicles with environmentally harmful petrol or diesel engines are to disappear in the next 20 years large parts of Germany’s roads by the will of the countryside. This will be achieved, inter alia, with purchase premiums for electric cars as well as a strengthening of bus and train.

This emerges from an air concept that would decide the Greens Group of the Bundestag at its meeting in Weimar.

The aim of the eco-party is to drag the fuels oil from the market next to the coal phase-out.

“We Greens want to get away from oil on the road over the next 20 years. We want to give cities, cyclists and pedestrians enough room and are free of toxic emissions,” it says in the draft of a “Weimar Declaration on Climate Change”, the the news agency dpa present.

From 2036, it would at least give accordingly to the will of the Greens no longer newly registered vehicles with petrol or diesel engine. “Old cars” but should not be banned. As an auto-generation about seven years apply. With an investment offensive addition to the rail strengthened and bus and train offers are doubled.

This will be achieved the expansion of electromobility with a “call premium” for the purchase of electric vehicles and with “special incentives” for buses, commercial vehicles, taxis and other vehicle fleets in urban areas. For the transition, the necessary infrastructure will be expanded. “The federal government must now begin the phase-out of fossil fuels,” it said in the paper.

The Federal Government has set itself the goal to bring by 2020 one million electric vehicles on German roads. This includes vehicles with other alternative drive systems such as hybrid cars, which have a combustion engine and electric motor.

One thought on “German Green party plans to ban internal combustion engine from cars by 2036”

  1. Good luck with that.
    Doesn’t Germany have their hands full enough with the muslim rape problem?

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