5 thoughts on “WaPo: ‘Scientists keep rallying around NOAA chief in climate feud’”

  1. Garbage WaPo. All Lamar Smith wants is disclose of the methods used by NOAA to adjust temperatures. And why are biologists and chemist given climate science standing. What about engineers? And others, of course.

  2. How any of these so called scientists can protest in the face of reality is beyond belief – yet they do and further more the journalists are letting them get away with it – thank goodness for the ‘Davids’ among us who are slowly but surely winning the cause for transparency , truth and real fact

  3. I suppose these are the same people that try to silence anyone who dares to disagree with their stand on climate change. Isn’t that somewhat chilling?

  4. Tsk. Here they are, claiming that anthropogenic atmospheric carbon dioxide is causing catastrophically adverse global climate warming, and they’re bitching about “a chilling effect.”

    Whassamatta, boys ‘n girls? Afraid that somebody’s going to AUDIT your taxpayer-funded work and discover you’ve been lying in your funding grant applications as well as your reports?

    Which is (as we were taught in grad school) the perpetration of FRAUD, an offense for which you’re both criminally and civilly liable.

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