Stinging Criticism: Belgian prof calls COP-21 a ‘resounding failure’…’grand illusion’ based on ‘delirium’

“The Belgian online Le Peuple here interviewed István Marko, Professor of Chemistry at the UCL, and a so-called climate non-alarmist, on what he thought of the results of the highly ballyhooed Paris COP21 climate summit and agreement.”


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2 thoughts on “Stinging Criticism: Belgian prof calls COP-21 a ‘resounding failure’…’grand illusion’ based on ‘delirium’”

  1. The real issue is: why are news journalists dumber than 3rd graders in science? Most of the World’s population – China and India – are increasing CO2 emissions! They will ADD more CO2 than all of the other countries combined! Forget about decreasing CO2 in the other countries. China and India will make the decreases insignificant. Clearly, the issue requires science, not Obama rhetoric and lies, not UN rhetoric and lies. No country will destroy its economy over this agreement except the US under Democrat rule.

  2. Well the European Countries can do like the US raise the debt ceiling a couple more trillion, and get the money from out of the money tree… Warming is not going to destroy the world, Debt will… but that don’t make any difference to The Obama administration and our present congress. It all has to boil down to MONEY….

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