The new payola plan turns the conference on its ear.
The new proposal expects poor countries to contribute to the climate payola fund. (India) reports:
The new payola plan turns the conference on its ear.
The new proposal expects poor countries to contribute to the climate payola fund. (India) reports:
This green extortion of rich countries reminds me of an old Jack Benny gag:
Thief: “Your money or your life!”
(long pause)
Thief: “Didn’t you hear me? I said ‘your money or your life’.”
Jack: “I’m thinking it over!!!”
Look: COP21 is just a pre-Christmas holiday shopping spree for 40,000 people at their respective government’s expense. Five star restaurants and >1000/night hotels (pick your currency) just contribute to the lackluster French economy with a year-end boost.
I heard that Obama’s entourage is about 600 people.
Your tax dollars at work!!!