‘It’s a Chinook’: Albertans poke fun at Leo DiCaprio’s climate change comments

“It was scary,” said DiCaprio in Variety. “I’ve never experienced something so firsthand that was so dramatic.” Continue reading ‘It’s a Chinook’: Albertans poke fun at Leo DiCaprio’s climate change comments

India: Massive emissions cuts are ‘not happening’

“Some delegates pushing for a stronger agreement are privately voicing concerns that the 1.5C goal might end up being traded off in exchange for India and China supporting five-yearly pledging updates.” Continue reading India: Massive emissions cuts are ‘not happening’

COP21: Paris summit may enter new phase to clinch agreement

Common ploy by hosts in the past has been to crack the final, critical issues in smaller groups of as few as five of the most relevant, affected or powerful countries. Continue reading COP21: Paris summit may enter new phase to clinch agreement

As U.S. and Europe Pass the Hat at Climate Talks, China Clings to Developing-Nation Status

Hundreds of millions of people in China are still very poor. Continue reading As U.S. and Europe Pass the Hat at Climate Talks, China Clings to Developing-Nation Status