Snow becoming ‘a thing of the past’ in Sweden, says national weather service

So Swedes ought to be prepared to be buried in snow.

Here’s the AP report:

Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 9.01.34 AM copy

You would think the warmist community would have learned by now to avoid such foolish predictions.

Here from 200o in The Independent (UK):

Snowfalls headline

And here from the NYTimes:

NYTimes end of snow

These claims never seem work out. But since they always blow up in the face of warmism, by all means warmists, keep making them.

One thought on “Snow becoming ‘a thing of the past’ in Sweden, says national weather service”

  1. Snow may be pretty, but cold kills. Does the EPA calculate the effective lives lost due to cold, like they do for PM2.5? And if they do, how many lives will be saved by a 0.1 degree warming of the planet?

    Inquiring minds want to know….

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