Bizarre: Starbucks, Coca-Cola and other multinationals call for CO2 tax

Funny how US multinationals don’t get that poorer consumers but fewer $5 coffees and expensive bottles of flavored water. Continue reading Bizarre: Starbucks, Coca-Cola and other multinationals call for CO2 tax

RICO-teering: How climate activists ‘knew’ they were going to pin the blame on Exxon

Ever heard of the Climate Accountability Institute? Continue reading RICO-teering: How climate activists ‘knew’ they were going to pin the blame on Exxon

China Agrees: Western economies should commit CO2 suicide every 5 years

Such a mandatory 5-year “review” scheme is how U.S. enviros have continually strangled the US economy via the Clean Air Act. Continue reading China Agrees: Western economies should commit CO2 suicide every 5 years

Democrat Senators urge Obama to impose CO2 tax on coal mined from federal lands

But they don’t want to call it a CO2 tax for some very good reasons. Instead, it’s called… Continue reading Democrat Senators urge Obama to impose CO2 tax on coal mined from federal lands

Baron: Yes, you can have economic growth in places where it doesn’t snow

Michael Barone repsonds to the recent Nature study claiming that global warming would make the world to hot for GDP growth. Continue reading Baron: Yes, you can have economic growth in places where it doesn’t snow