Physicist Gordon Fulks: Is ‘climate change’ really the world’s most pressing problem?

Famed Nobel laureate in physics Richard Feynman once described science as “the belief in the ignorance of experts.” Continue reading Physicist Gordon Fulks: Is ‘climate change’ really the world’s most pressing problem?

California air chief calls challenge to diesel emissions-death claim ‘addlebrained’

She gets facts back in exchange for her ad hominem attack on JunkScience’s pet issue. Continue reading California air chief calls challenge to diesel emissions-death claim ‘addlebrained’

Ian Tuttle: How to Put Climate Alarmism on Ice

“Three years after Doomsday, there is still plenty of sea ice (frozen seawater that floats atop the ocean) at the North Pole — more than 1.7 million square miles of it, even at its minimum this year.” Continue reading Ian Tuttle: How to Put Climate Alarmism on Ice