Masked climate protesters in Paris for climate conference?

Politico reports:

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Egyptian masked protesters, who call themselves the black eagles and describes themselves as peaceful but are prepared to defend any attacks against protesters, gather near the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013. Two years after Egypt's revolution began, the country's schism was on display Friday as the mainly liberal and secular opposition held rallies saying the goals of the pro-democracy uprising have not been met and denouncing Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)
Egyptian masked protesters, who call themselves the black eagles and describes themselves as peaceful but are prepared to defend any attacks against protesters, gather near the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 25, 2013. Two years after Egypt’s revolution began, the country’s schism was on display Friday as the mainly liberal and secular opposition held rallies saying the goals of the pro-democracy uprising have not been met and denouncing Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

Lorne Gunter: Climate change scare is ideological, not scientific

“But a recent study by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center shows that far from shrinking, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing – a lot.” Continue reading Lorne Gunter: Climate change scare is ideological, not scientific

Michael Mann: Defamed or defined by ‘Hide the decline’?

As Mann again accuses other of spreading climate misinformation, it’s time to refresh our recollection of how Mann “hid the decline.”

First, and to get you in the proper mood, check out the “Hide the Decline” YouTube video that Mann threatened to sue over.

Click here for our definitive and easy-to-understand account of the hide-the-decline scandal.

Howler: Michael Mann claims Exxon, Kochs spending ‘hundreds of millions’ to ‘disinform” public on climate

Breathtaking ignorance and/or dishonesty. Continue reading Howler: Michael Mann claims Exxon, Kochs spending ‘hundreds of millions’ to ‘disinform” public on climate