5 thoughts on “Global temps average this year could hit 1 degree Celsius mark over past for 1st time, claims UK Met Office”

  1. “It seems Putin will e attending the upcoming Paris climate conference. And he has stated that global warming is a fraud. I do not think he will bow down to the warming alarmists.”

    Maybe the west should teach Putin a lesson, go to war over it –
    kill millions,
    put stacks of pollutants in the air,
    a few people can make a bunch of money,
    the winners can re-write history (like they always do) & science as well.
    that would teach him,
    whats not to like ???

  2. It seems Putin will e attending the upcoming Paris climate conference. And he has stated that global warming is a fraud. I do not think he will bow down to the warming alarmists.

  3. NOAA reports that from Jan 1997 to Oct 2015 (18 years and 9 months) the mean (monthly) CO2 level has increased from 363.04 ppm to 398.29 ppm – an increase of 9.7%.
    The ‘average temperature” of the globe certainly has NOT increased 9.7% – about 29° C.
    CO2 levels do NOT drive global temperature increases.

  4. Each day as we lead up to Paris, there is more scary stuff. I suspect that they dost protest too much and that people are starting to see through their lies.

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