Bizarre: Starbucks, Coca-Cola and other multinationals call for CO2 tax

Funny how US multinationals don’t get that poorer consumers but fewer $5 coffees and expensive bottles of flavored water. Continue reading Bizarre: Starbucks, Coca-Cola and other multinationals call for CO2 tax

RICO-teering: How climate activists ‘knew’ they were going to pin the blame on Exxon

Ever heard of the Climate Accountability Institute? Continue reading RICO-teering: How climate activists ‘knew’ they were going to pin the blame on Exxon

China Agrees: Western economies should commit CO2 suicide every 5 years

Such a mandatory 5-year “review” scheme is how U.S. enviros have continually strangled the US economy via the Clean Air Act. Continue reading China Agrees: Western economies should commit CO2 suicide every 5 years

Democrat Senators urge Obama to impose CO2 tax on coal mined from federal lands

But they don’t want to call it a CO2 tax for some very good reasons. Instead, it’s called… Continue reading Democrat Senators urge Obama to impose CO2 tax on coal mined from federal lands