Anti-meat group petitions USDA to ban hot dogs from school lunches

The self-proclaimed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine allegedly wants to keep cafeterias “carcinogen-free.” Continue reading Anti-meat group petitions USDA to ban hot dogs from school lunches

Here’s Why VW’s Emission Scandal Didn’t Actually Kill Anybody

“The reason all the alleged victims of VW diesel emissions are unidentified is because they are all statistical deaths — i.e., deaths that only occur in the minds and studies of dishonest researchers.” Continue reading Here’s Why VW’s Emission Scandal Didn’t Actually Kill Anybody

‘Come clean’: Rep battles agency over subpoena for climate study records

‘Come clean’: Rep battles agency over subpoena for climate study records. The Republican head of the House science committee is fighting to obtain documents from the Obama administration on a controversial global warming study, as the agency that produced it locks down internal records despite a subpoena.