Warmist to Bishop: Catholic TV station ‘offended’ God by allowing climate skeptic on TV

Here’s the letter.

June 06, 2015

Most Reverend Robert J. Baker, S.T.D.,
Bishop of Birmingham,
Roman Catholic Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
2121 3rd Avenue North (35203)
P. O. Box 12047
Birmingham, AL 35202-2047

RE: EWTN Disrespects Pope Francis in Front of Catholic Viewers

Dear Bishop Baker:

The Diocese of Birmingham should immediately sever all connections with, support for, and ties to The EWTN Global Catholic Network [5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35210] that is located within the Diocese of Birmingham. My reason for insisting that the Diocese of Birmingham take such a harsh stance against EWTN is due to the controversial “Climate Change Debate” hosted by EWTN’s The World Over with Raymond Arroyo on May 15, 2015 [1]. This “Climate Change Debate” was to both discredit the Papacy of Pope Francis as well as used EWTN to deny that Global Warming is genuine and factually based on scientific evidence.

This EWTN “Climate Change Debate” was between Marc Morano and Carol L. Andress. Morano is connected with the Heartland Institute, a libertarian organization that worships Mammon. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from George Mason University. Andress is the Director of Legislative Operations for the Environmental Defense Fund, an environmental organization. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Duke University. Neither one of these debaters are scientists capable of discussing the scientific evidence of Global Warming. Due to their own lack of credentials in the science of Global Warming, all the debaters could do was present the findings by the scientists who are actually engaged in the science of Global Warming.

Jim Lakely — also with the Heartland Institute — reported that Morano embarrassed [beat] Andress in this “Climate Change Debate” [2]. Lakely wrote in this blog that “EWTN, America’s leading cable network for Catholics broadcast to 148 millions homes around the world, hosted a debate Thursday night about Pope Francis’ plan to insert himself into the center of the global climate debate on ‘The World Over with Raymond Arroyo.'” On the Morano’s webpage — “Climate Depot : A project of CFACT”, Morano wrote that he “‘kicked warmist [Andress] butt on EWTN — now warmists want him banned. [3]” The warmists that Morano is referring to is “Faithful America” [4]. Morano also wrote on his web site that “‘Eternal Word Television Network (ETWN) just invited notorious climate denier Marc Morano to ‘debate’ whether climate change is real. Worse yet, during the program, ETWN’s own host [Raymond Arroyo] denied man-made climate change and attacked the Pope for meeting with top scientists. Tell the world’s largest religious media outlet, the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN): Stop broadcasting climate denial.'”

What was implied by EWTN in this “Climate Change Debate” was that Andress was the surrogate for Pope Francis. This “Climate Change Debate” was an attempt by EWTN to either discredit or undermine the Papacy of Pope Francis. To the best of my knowledge, EWTN never held such a debate on the merits of either abortion or homosexuality during the Papacies of both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. EWTN never invited Michael Sherrard of Faithful America to debate any of the issues that were supported by Pope John Paul II. So why did EWTN do so now with Global Warming before Pope Francis issues his Encyclical on The Environment? This affront toward Pope Francis by EWTN is totally unwarranted. To understand why EWTN disrespected Pope Francis, one must examine who is pulling the strings of the deniers of Global Warming and also who maybe giving monetary contributions to EWTN.

To this end, the Idiom that “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is applicable to The Heartland Institute [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] . The question is does EWTN obtain its donations from the same entities as The Heartland Institute? With the frequent appearances of persons that are associated with The Heartland Institute appearing as expert guests on EWTN, it will appear that EWTN does. As Pope Francis has stated that “protecting the Earth is a requirement of Christianity” [16], EWTN as a Catholic organization should be supporting Pope Francis rather than being a cheerleader of those who disagree with the Pontiff.

With Pope Francis about to make the environment as important an issue — if NOT more important — to Catholics than either abortion or homosexuality, the Conservative and Libertarian organizations, politicians, and individuals are set to oppose the Pontiff [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]. EWTN should NOT be used as an instrument by these entities to entice faithful Catholics to ignore Pope Francis. Advisers to Pope Francis on the environment have responded to these critics [22] [23]. Because these critics of Pope Francis would need to sacrifice a portion of their wealth and income due to the expense incurred for the action needed to be taken in order to protect the environment — and Humanity itself — from the current unrestricted and unregulated toxic contamination of the environment by the environmental polluters, they are fighting back [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]. The toxic polluters of the environment love Mammon more they love God. Does EWTN also love Mammon more than God?

It appears so. This is based on EWTN’s blatant disregard for considering that Pope Francis prayed for guidance in his decision to release his Encyclical on the Environment. As every religious leader of Christendom does pray to God for guidance, Pope Francis will also do the same. EWTN’s purposely ignoring this important factor of prayer severely diminishes EWTN’s own credibility. In all other matters, Catholics accept the word of the Pope as final. Up to now, that is actually what EWTN has been telling its Catholic viewers since the Papacy of John Paul II. EWTN’s actions to undermine the Papacy of Pope Francis before other Catholics is an offense to Pope Francis, The Catholic Church, and God. This is why I urge the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama to cease all connections with, support for, and ties to The EWTN Global Catholic Network.



Carol L. Andress, Environmental Defense Fund
Raymond Arroyo, EWTN
Joseph L. Bast, The Heartland Institute
Very Rev. Kevin M. Bazzel, Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
Fr. Kenneth D. Brighenti, Mount St. Mary Seminary
Fr. John Paul Echert, Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis
Prof. Richard Geraghty, Holy Apostles College & Seminary
Rev. Msgr. Ronny E. Jenkins, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Rev. Edward C. Krause CSC, Gannon University
Frederic D. Krupp, Environmental Defense Fund
Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville
James G. Lakely, Heartland Institute
John Martignoni, Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama
Marc Morano, Heartland Institute
Michael Sherrard, Faithful America
Fr. Jonathan S. Toborowsky, Diocese of Metuchen
Fr. John Trigilio, Diocese of Harrisburg
Michael P. Warsaw, EWTN


MARK MORANO, executive editor and chief correspondent of TheClimateDepot.com and member of the Heartland Institute, and CAROL ANDRESS, Director of Legislative Operations for the Environmental Defense Fund join us to debate the controversial issue of global warming/climate change.
The Climate Change Debate
The World Overwith Raymond Arroyo
Eternal Word Television Network
Published on May 15, 2015
Posted by EWTN

Heartland Friend Marc Morano Embarasses Environmental Defense Fund in TV Debate
by Jim Lakely
May 15, 2015
Environment/Energy · Featured · Media · Science
Somewhat Reasonable
The Heartland Institute

Climate Depot A project of CFACT


“Stop attacking Pope Francis and denying climate change”
Faithful America

Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate science
Libertarian thinktank keeps prominent sceptics on its payroll and relies on millions in funding from carbon industry, papers suggest
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
Tuesday 14 February 2012 22.30 EST
Last modified on Tuesday 7 October 2014 11.17 EDT
Climate change scepticism
The Guardian

Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science
FEB. 15, 2012
The New York Times

Secret funding helped build vast network of climate denial thinktanks
Anonymous billionaires donated $120m to more than 100 anti-climate groups working to discredit climate change science
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
Thursday 14 February 2013 08.39 EST
The Guardian

How Donors Trust distributed millions to anti-climate groups
The secretive funding network distributed $118m to 102 groups including some of the best-known thinktanks on the right
Suzanne Goldenberg
Thursday 14 February 2013 08.46 EST
The Guardian

Additional climate denial organizations that have received major funding in recent years by Donors Trust include the Heartland Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute and the James Partnership (Cornwall Alliance).
Donors Trust: Laundering Climate Denial Funding
The shadow operation that has laundered $146 million in climate-denial funding
Publication – February 15, 2013

Donors Trust: The shadow operation that has laundered $146 million in climate-denial funding

Click to access DonorsTrust.pdf

Koch’s Funding to Deny Climate Change Solutions
“My joke is that we’re the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” – David Koch
Koch Industries

Koch’s Funding to Deny Climate Change Solutions
“My joke is that we’re the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” – David Koch
Koch Industries

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine
The Koch Brothers: Funding $67,042,064 to groups denying climate change since 1997.
Today, the Kochs are being watched as a prime example of the corporate takeover of government. Their funding and co-opting of the Tea Party movement is now well documented.
Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was “the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” Now the shroud of secrecy has thankfully been lifted, revealing the $67 million that he and his brother Charles have quietly funneled to climate-denial front groups that are working to delay policies and regulations aimed at stopping global warming, most of which are part of the State Policy Network.

Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire
Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world’s largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don’t want you to know is how they made all that money
By Tim Dickinson | September 24, 2014
Rolling Stone

Koch Industries Pollution
Koch and the Environment
Koch Industries is a major polluter, with ongoing incidents and violations of environmental laws. Even when complying with the law, Koch companies can get away with heavy pollution.

Pope Francis: Protecting the Earth is a requirement of Christianity
Eric W. Dolan
25 May 2015 at 12:35 ET
Raw Story

“Pope Francis Steps Up Campaign on Climate Change, to Conservatives’ Alarm”
APRIL 27, 2015
The New York Times

Conservative thinktank seeks to change Pope Francis’s mind on climate change
Heartland Institute wants to lobby Vatican before pope delivers a moral call to climate action this summer
Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Rome
Friday 24 April 2015 15.43 EDT
Climate change
The Guardian

Report: Pope’s Actions Pitting Catholic Church Against GOP
Wednesday, 31 Dec 2014 05:07 PM
By Greg Richter

“Pope Francis’s edict on climate change will anger deniers and US churches”
Pontiff hopes to inspire action at next year’s UN meeting in Paris in December after visits to Philippines and New York
John Vidal
Saturday 27 December 2014 16.06 EST
World news, The Guardian

“The Pope Thinks Climate Change Is a Major Threat. So Do American Catholics.”
Most Catholics say global warming is a “crisis” or a “major problem.”
By James West | Tue Dec. 30, 2014 6:15 AM EST
Mother Jones

The Pope Thinks Climate Change Is a Major Threat. So Do American Catholics.

Key advisor blasts US criticism to pope’s environmental stance
By Inés San Martín
Vatican correspondent | May 12, 2015

“Pope Francis aide blasts U.S. climate skeptics”
By Nick Gass
5/12/15 2:37 PM EDT

Secret funding helped build vast network of climate denial thinktanks
Anonymous billionaires donated $120m to more than 100 anti-climate groups working to discredit climate change science
Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
Thursday 14 February 2013 08.39 EST
The Guardian

How Donors Trust distributed millions to anti-climate groups
The secretive funding network distributed $118m to 102 groups including some of the best-known thinktanks on the right
Suzanne Goldenberg
Thursday 14 February 2013 08.46 EST
The Guardian

Additional climate denial organizations that have received major funding in recent years by Donors Trust include the Heartland Institute, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute and the James Partnership (Cornwall Alliance).
Donors Trust: Laundering Climate Denial Funding
The shadow operation that has laundered $146 million in climate-denial funding
Publication – February 15, 2013

Donors Trust: The shadow operation that has laundered $146 million in climate-denial funding

Click to access DonorsTrust.pdf

Koch’s Funding to Deny Climate Change Solutions
“My joke is that we’re the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” – David Koch
Koch Industries

Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine
The Koch Brothers: Funding $67,042,064 to groups denying climate change since 1997.
Today, the Kochs are being watched as a prime example of the corporate takeover of government. Their funding and co-opting of the Tea Party movement is now well documented.
Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was “the biggest company you’ve never heard of.” Now the shroud of secrecy has thankfully been lifted, revealing the $67 million that he and his brother Charles have quietly funneled to climate-denial front groups that are working to delay policies and regulations aimed at stopping global warming, most of which are part of the State Policy Network.

Inside the Koch Brothers’ Toxic Empire
Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world’s largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don’t want you to know is how they made all that money
By Tim Dickinson | September 24, 2014
Rolling Stone

Koch Industries Pollution
Koch and the Environment
Koch Industries is a major polluter, with ongoing incidents and violations of environmental laws. Even when complying with the law, Koch companies can get away with heavy pollution.

8 thoughts on “Warmist to Bishop: Catholic TV station ‘offended’ God by allowing climate skeptic on TV”

  1. Frank would only need to make abortion or homosexuality compulsory to solve ‘AGW problems’ [if there were any.]
    Getting approval for this from above could well be impossible, however……..

  2. “… global warming…more important than abortion or homosexuality.”
    That should spook Catholics the world over.
    Stop and desist all you deniers! You are bad, bad people.

  3. No, I think they are firmly in the “Mammon” camp! Head of Environmental Defense, Fred Krupp, copied in on the letter, received total compensation of $496,174, including $446,072 in salary and $50,102 in other compensation, in 2009/10, according to the Washington Examiner.

  4. “Neither one of these debaters are scientists capable of discussing the scientific evidence of Global Warming.” And neither is the Pope.

  5. Thank God that an ever increasing number of people are recognising that they also, as individuals, are entitled to ‘wisdom’ and consequently, can see through the ‘watermelon’ politics of the warmists (including the Pope).

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