No… airborne particles do not cause strokes

Researchers can’t see the air quality reality for the government funding.

This German study claims to link inhalation of ambient airborne fine particulate matter (i.e., PM2.5) with increased risk of stroke.

The researchers report twice as many cases of stroke among people exposed to an average of 21.91 micrograms/m3 PM2.5 in the air vs. those exposed to an average of 14.9 micrograms/m3. For reference purposes, adults inhale about a cubic meter of air per hour.

Out of the total study population of 4,433 there were 71 incidences of stroke.

But consider that there were 1,040 current smokers in the population, smoking an average of 17 cigarettes per day.

As each cigarette provides its smoker with 10,000 to 40,000 micrograms of PM2.5, those smokers inhaled as much as 680,000 micrograms of PM2.5 per day vs. the comparatively paltry 400 microgram/day of PM2.5 inhaled from the ambient air.

Clearly, if inhaling PM2.5 caused stroke, every smoker would have stroked out long ago.

If you have ever smoked a single cigarette and survived, you have debunked hundreds of millions of dollars of government-funded air pollution “research.”

4 thoughts on “No… airborne particles do not cause strokes”

  1. We are talking about fine carbon particles… like those that come out of smokestacks and tailpipes.

  2. Obviously, the critical factor is whether the particles can be dissolved or not. Metallic particles that for protective oxidation layers, such as the Aluminum and plastic fibers in Chemtrails or silicon oxide from sand or cellulose, would be much more hazardous than iron or sodium chloride or other soluble metals/salts for example.

  3. But smokers do have much higher rates of stroke than non-smokers. To what do attribute the smoking risk if the not the particles? The CO perhaps? It is obviously not the nicotine.

  4. There are lots of ways to look at data and get the answer you “know” to be true.

    This study of a very large data set found nothing for stroke or heart attack.

    Milojevic A, Wilkinson P, Armstrong B, Bhaskaran K, Smeeth L, Hajat S (2014) Short-term effects of air pollution on a range of cardiovascular events in England and Wales: case-crossover analysis of the MINAP database, hospital admissions and mortality. Heart 100, 1093-1098.

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