Thug Senators Boxer, Markey and Whitehouse now trying to Inquisition private companies about funding skeptics

Unfortunately for warmist creeps, the vast majority of climate skeptics have no corporate funding. So the attempted intimidation will not change anything.

Markey Inquisition

Click here for the letter to the American Petroleum Institute.

Click for Markey’s media release.

Below is the list of companies/trade associations the letter was sent to:

ACCCE (American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity)

Alliance Resource Operating Partners LP

Alliance to Save Energy

Alpha Natural Resources LLC


American Coal Foundation

American Electric

American Energy Alliance

American Enterprise Institute

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers

American Gas Association

American Legislative Exchange Council

Americans for Prosperity Foundation

America’s Natural Gas Alliance: ANGA

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Apache Corporation

API (American Petroleum Institute)

Arch Coal Inc.

Armstrong Energy Inc.

Atlas Network (previously Atlas Economic Research Foundation)

Boich Group LLC

Bowie Resource Holdings LLC


Cato Institute

Chamber of Commerce of the USA

Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation

Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Chevron Corporation

Cloud Peak Energy

CNOOC (Nexen Petroleum U.S.A. Inc.)

Competitive Enterprise Institute


CONSOL Energy Inc.

Consolidated Edison

Continental Resources Inc.

Denbury Resources, Inc.

Devon Energy Corporation

Dominion Resources

Donors Capital

Donors Trust

DTE Energy

Duke Energy

Ecopetrol America Inc

Edison Electric Institute

Edison International

Energy Future Holdings Corp

Eni U.S. Operating Co.


EOG Resources, Inc.



Exxon Mobil Corporation


George C Marshall Institute

Hallador Energy Co

Hess Corporation

Hoover Institution

Hudson Institute

Independent Petroleum Association of America

Institute for Energy Research (IER)

John Locke Foundation

John Williams Pope Foundation

Koch Industries

Linn Energy, LLC

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research

Marathon Oil Corporation

Murphy Oil Corporation

Murray Energy Corp

NACCO Industries Inc.

National Association of Manufacturers

National Mining Association

National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA)

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

NextEra Energy

Noble Energy Inc.

NRG Energy

Occidental Petroleum Corporation


Patriot Coal Corp

Peabody Energy Corp

Peter Kiewit Sons Inc.

Petrobras America Inc.


Pioneer Natural Resources Company


PSEG Public Service Enterprise

Rio Tinto Group

Searle Freedom Trust


Southern Company


The Heartland Institute

The Heritage Foundation

Valero Energy

Walter Energy Inc.

Western Fuels Association Inc.

Westmoreland Coal Co

Wisconsin Energy

Xcel Energy

7 thoughts on “Thug Senators Boxer, Markey and Whitehouse now trying to Inquisition private companies about funding skeptics”

  1. This kind of arrogance and blatant disregard for freedom of speech should be grounds for impeachment of these politicians. If the ACLU was truly interested in protecting the rights of individuals, they would go after these people. The proper response should be “None of your damn business.” George Orwell, call your office.

  2. Not even hiding behind a curtain of impartiality. Because they don’t need to. Having won on the point that the science is far from settled, we still find that we have a long, long way to go because they “mean well.” At this point, we could do a comprehensive study showing the finding and scientific bias going to the fear based government control for nothing establishment, but they’d just report the one “Willie Soon non-discloure without actual bias” in the bunch anyway. The foxes are running the henhouse and we are told it makes for sustainable chicken.

  3. It is blatantly obvious that the climate scam is hiding something dark, and sinister. There wouldn’t be the huge effort to “silence” dissenters, otherwise. He that doth protesteth, too loudly!

  4. I would also like to see an investigation of Greenpece’s involvement in this witch hunt- particularly it’s involvement with the Thug Senators.

  5. The Republicn Congress ought to take this opportunity to expand the investgation to all scientists and entities doing government funded climate research as well as authorizing a study on how government funding is politicizing climate science. There should also be an investigation about NGOs receiving donations from foreign governments and the relationships among those who award government grants and those receiving them.

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