Bad Day for Food Nannies: Gov’t withdraws warning against eating cholesterol — 40 yrs of ‘consensus’ science flushed

Right again.

Click for the Washington Post report.

Check back for more as we will be taking a victory lap today.

Update: In 1984, the American Heart Association recommended a low-cholesterol diet based on a ‘consensus of physicians and scientists of the American Heart Association.’ Read the New York Times article from May 16, 1984.

AHA consensus

Update: In 1989, the New York Times reported that skeptics of the cholesterol crusade played a valuable role:

NYTimes Skeptics Cholesterol

But climate skeptics don’t seem to have the same value to the NYTimes when it comes to climate.

11 thoughts on “Bad Day for Food Nannies: Gov’t withdraws warning against eating cholesterol — 40 yrs of ‘consensus’ science flushed”

  1. It’s not about new science. Ancel Keyes lied about the data. Nobody bothered to check. They formed a consensus on faulty data and they shouted down everyone that said otherwise.

  2. I am 71 and have a cholesterol level of 260. When I discovered I’m one of those who can’t tolerate affordable cholesterol medications, I turned to the web for alternatives. As it turns out a lot of doctors don’t even recommend giving those medications to anyone over 70. One book I read that was written by several physicians states that those doctors don’t recommend medicating elevated cholesterol unless you have already had a heart attack. The problem is that manufacturing cholesterol drugs is a 30 billion dollar industry worldwide.

    Lowering cholesterol levels also lowers coenzyme Q10, an important anti-inflammatory for your blood vessels. You use cholesterol in your brain, so you definitely don’t want to lower that level. Cholesterol is the base for steroids, including testosterone. Don’t brag if your level is below 180. Heart attack statistics don’t favor you.

    As it turns out there are 7 types of cholesterol, not two. For instance, hdl has types a, b, and c. To keep producing healthy cholesterol, take refined sugar mostly out of your diet. Don’t use oils that are considered healthy choices, except for olive oil and grape seed oil. Frying in animal fat is perfectly fine, just moderate the use. Eat lots of berries and fruit along with vegetables. I eat meat at least once a day, cheese often, and eggs for breakfast practically every morning. I fry or scramble them with butter.

    Get your blood checked at a lab that can give you better resolution than your ldl and hdl levels. The amount of cholesterol is not as relevant as whether your various types are healthy. Eating sugary, fat-loaded foods constantly will destroy healthy cholesterol and set you up for a stroke or heart attack. If your cholesterol is healthy the level is irrelevant unless it is too low. The level is one of the least indicators that you are likely for a heart attack or stroke.

    I started the Atkins diet in 2013. I dropped my weight from 209 to the 150’s and plan to keep it there. All the indicators in my blood work test healthy, now. My doctor has me take curcumin, derived from the spice turmeric, to aid in keeping my cholesterol healthy and to boost the levels of anti-inflammatories in my body.

  3. @Mark you live shorter, so less chance of getting killed by that heart attack.
    With a beneficial side effect of having more young people to vote leftist, and a steady stream of government income from death taxes combined with a lower number of people receiving age related benefits…

    win-win situation for the government thus to have people die young.

  4. Only trouble for the vegetarian or vegan diet is you don’t live as long on it. Studies have show that time and time again, yet the meat is bad crowd won’t give it up.

  5. The news seems to be that saturated fats, red meat and everything that might contain cholesterol is still bad for you. So, you still need to go vegetarian or vegan. So, the dropping of cholesterol is no big deal. Well, maybe, the folks who sell products with vegetable oil with the ZERO CHOLESTEROL label.

  6. Some one finally realized correlation is not causation.
    Something about if you smoked a cigarette and died 50 years later your death can be linked to smoking
    Junk stats.

  7. @tadchem–
    OK, but why did it take them 40 years, when any idiot knew that cholesterol in the diet does not affect cholesterol in the blood. But, hey, these morons even go against really settled science, such as low salt diets are bad for you. Hundreds and hundreds of studies prove that, but they are so caught up in their own dogma, they don’t care.

  8. ‘Science’ is never ‘settled’. The *process* of science leads to refinements of concepts. The conceptual model of CVD was originally based on the observation that the plaques that constrict blood vessels are largely composed of lipids – fats, steroid-like molecules, and their derivatives. The original naive *assumption* was that by reducing the availability of these molecules in the bloodstream, the formation of these plaques could be reduced.
    Fortunately, the process of science allows us to recognize when the conceptual models we use are inconsistent with observable reality, and must be modified.
    In this case, we are freed from the assumptions of the past to examine more fundamental cause-and-effect mechanisms.
    The new query is ‘What really does cause the formation of these CVD plaques?’

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