Oligarchy is what we got, so goodbye liberty

In 2010 Angelo Codevilla wrote a wonderful essay on the elites and why America has a very short time to prevent a complete socialist elitist take over led by an army of elitist oligarchs, claiming “expertise.”

Read Codevilla on the rise of the administrative “expert” state
“Scientific Pretense v Democracy”
Then read Codevilla’s “America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution”
So yesterday I read this essay on the oligarchy that has developed over the past 30 years by
Mathew Continetti, and I must say it confirmed my pessimism.
It is a depressing and alarming litany of the developments that have produced the new leftist oligarchy. Look at the reality–the very rich are all crony capitalist socialists. The rich and influential are What Tom Wolfe Wrote about in Radical Chic, the Leonard Bernstein limousine liberals.
Capitalism and free market, limited government concepts have been extinguished by an overwhelming socialist strategy and a dense ignorance that starts with the schools and the chattering class.
Continetti explains is depressing detail, the development of a rich leftist elite–and how the noise about the Koch brothers is just a rhetorical cheap trick–you wanna know why the congress is run by leftist statists and there is nothing left of the Reagan resurgence of conservatism devoted to limited government by consent of the governed?
You wanna know why we are pushing a rock up the hill on every issue that’s important to sensible public policy that holds to individual liberty and freedom, free markets and property rights?
Read this:

One thought on “Oligarchy is what we got, so goodbye liberty”

  1. I am sure that a great many peeps in flyover country are painfully well aware that they have been effectively shut out of the political process in favor of the wealthy, the connected, and those aparatchiks who serve the interests of the wealthy and connected. Republican “leaders” (as nominated , selected and approved by Big Media) regularly spout fundamentally unconservative pronouncements like “am-nasty is a done deal” and “Obamesiahcare is NOT on the table in this election cycle”, ad nauseum. The wishes of the peeps in flyover country are regularly given ruthless examinations in Big Media along with the (supposedly) evil and hateful intentions that underlie those desires. In addition to this the entire apparatus of the infotainment machine (TV, Movies, Music and Radio) regularly dishes out their little carefully written pseudo-morality plays that attack the beliefs and wishes of the peeps in flyover country and *prove* that the self-serving dogma and proscriptions of the Ruling Class is so, so enlightened!
    As for the “news”, the highly selective scrutiny of the pious elect in Big Media portray the current wishes of the Ruling Class (both sides, left & right) as righteous and enlightened gifts from god, gifts that must NEVER be subjected to any critical examination or even serious questioning.
    The problem with the peeps in flyover country is that they must either commit the time and effort to doing their own investigation via the web, or they will be stuck imbibing the lies and carefully manufactured Ruling Class memes that they know are nothing but deceit. Most in flyover simply do not have the time or take the time to do what is needed to properly inform themselves and, while they know full well that they are steeped in a media tea of lies and deception, they have decided to not fight back openly until such time as they are personally affected in their own lives.
    The tipping point may be Obamesiahcare, but I rather doubt it.

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