Let's Look at the Reality on Climate

I get bored a little, pointing out the insanity of the lefty climate nuts.

What am I supposed to say, that the nutty ones on the left are working on a really important project?

4 thoughts on “Let's Look at the Reality on Climate”

  1. “The debate should be over”, “97% of scientists believe”, “expect the worst”. They’re really dragging out all the cliches in this one, aren’t they?

  2. if only there was a comments box at the end of the article so we can destroy what he said.
    The good news was as I was reading it i met Alice and the Queen of Spades.

  3. I just don’t get it! Everything in this article is contrary to everything I have researched – is it a fairy tale or what?

  4. USA Today is nothing more than a populist “comic book”. It’s a shame that anyone reads it, or worse, believes anything in it. Alas, they do.

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