Human Experiments Scandal and Litigation

This UK news report started off talking about the American Traditions lawsuit against the EPA and finished talking about the lawsuit filed by Gary Baise on behalf of an individual.
Continue reading Human Experiments Scandal and Litigation

Bounce From Calvin Beisner–More on Epidemiology IV

I got the bounce from a guy who is interested in scientific integrity and knowledgable.
Continue reading Bounce From Calvin Beisner–More on Epidemiology IV

Jim Inhofe comments

Don’t you love Oklahoma for giving us Sen Inhofe.
I became a fan of Inhofe when met and worked with Marc Morano, who was Inhofe’s staffer.
Here Inhofe responds to the pajama party dems.
I note that Mary Landrieu didn’t attend–didn’t have any modest pajamas or afraid of what her oil and gas state residents might think?

Watch Now: Sen. Inhofe floor speech countering Warmathon climate claims