Climate Sensitivity

So let’s talk a little about the physical sciences and FORCINGS.

Even if you are a dummie emergency physician, if you go to climate meetings and listen to big boys like Gray, Lindzen, Soon, Christy, Spencer, Lupo, and so many others that your head is swimming, particularly a few years ago, you learned about forcings.
Forcings are what are the measurable factors that increase global temp.
When the IPCC puts up its scientific theories and models, the emphasis is on the forcings, the warming factors.
Of course if there were no feed back loops and mitigation, for example the effect of circulation of gases and the oceans, and the effects of the phase changes of water, we would just boil off, RIGHT?
Now the argument is about how sensitive the planet is to increases in carbon dioxide.
This paper explains that the IPCC projections and modeling do not address the feedback modulators and mitigators enough. The reason we are all here is that the planet has a number of ways that it achieves a relative equilibrium.
Hope is said those big words right. Nothing like getting corrected by geniuses.

2 thoughts on “Climate Sensitivity”

  1. “Forcing” is model-speak for a function or a parameter representing perturbations of the steady state on the right-hand side of a forced equation.
    You are not entirely correct when you say that forcings are measurable factors “that increase global temp”. Forcings are abstractions that don’t do anything except they express modellers’ beliefs about the relationship between measurable factors and global temp or whatever else they may fancy. You could intuit that much when you heard them refer to CO2 as a forcing.

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